Poetry and Prose
Dive into the profound and poetic world of humanity’s paradoxical beauty and absurdity with Meditations at Midnight by Gary Jansen—a literary feast that ignites your love for books and leaves you pondering life’s mysteries.
There are few books that can bring you face to face with your own humanity with all its tragic loveliness and at the same time lift you so high above it that you are able to dispassionately examine mankind’s absurdity and brilliance. Meditations at Midnight, by Gary Jansen, is such a book. Jansen’s stories, verses, and musings are at once familiar, startling, dreamy, funny, and nostalgic. He pays homage to his own favorite writers from Jack Kerouac to Stephen King to Ernest Hemingway to Emily Dickinson to Paulo Coelho and more. This is a book you can devour in one sitting or flip open and just nibble on a thought or a theme that suits your mood. Meditations at Midnight will awaken your love of literature–or inspire it.
“Both explorer and conductor of dreams and possibilities, Gary Jansen’s unique sense of detail magically guides us to worlds of wonder, unconditional love, and promise. It is here between these pages that innocence is remembered, imagination is stretched, and hope is restored. Simply put, these are the words, the stories, of a beautiful mind.”
—J. Ivy, author of Dear Father and Grammy winner for The Poet Who Sat By the Door